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Hook for signing typed data and calculating signature.


import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";


import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";
function App() {
  const { signTypedData } = useSignTypedData();
  return (
      onClick={() =>
          types: {
            Person: [
              { name: "name", type: "string" },
              { name: "wallet", type: "address" },
            Mail: [
              { name: "from", type: "Person" },
              { name: "to", type: "Person" },
              { name: "contents", type: "string" },
          primaryType: "Mail",
          message: {
            from: {
              name: "Cow",
            to: {
              name: "Bob",
            contents: "Hello, Bob!",
      Sign message


import { type UseSignTypedDataParameters } from "starkweb/react";


Config | undefined

Config to use instead of retrieving from the nearest StarkwebProvider.

import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";
import { config } from "./config"; 
function App() {
  const result = useSignTypedData({


TanStack Query parameters. See the TanStack Query Mutation docs for more info.


number | Infinity | undefined

  • The time in milliseconds that unused/inactive cache data remains in memory. When a mutation's cache becomes unused or inactive, that cache data will be garbage collected after this duration. When different cache times are specified, the longest one will be used.
  • If set to Infinity, will disable garbage collection


Record<string, unknown> | undefined

If set, stores additional information on the mutation cache entry that can be used as needed. It will be accessible wherever signTypedData is available (e.g. onError, onSuccess functions).


"online" | "always" | "offlineFirst" | undefined

  • defaults to "online"
  • see Network Mode for more information.


((error: SignTypedDataErrorType, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context?: context | undefined) => Promise<unknown> | unknown) | undefined

This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.


((variables: SignTypedDataVariables) => Promise<context | void> | context | void) | undefined

  • This function will fire before the mutation function is fired and is passed the same variables the mutation function would receive
  • Useful to perform optimistic updates to a resource in hopes that the mutation succeeds
  • The value returned from this function will be passed to both the onError and onSettled functions in the event of a mutation failure and can be useful for rolling back optimistic updates.


((data: SignTypedDataData, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context?: context | undefined) => Promise<unknown> | unknown) | undefined

This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.


((data: SignTypedDataData, error: SignTypedDataErrorType, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context?: context | undefined) => Promise<unknown> | unknown) | undefined

This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error



Use this to use a custom QueryClient. Otherwise, the one from the nearest context will be used.


boolean | number | ((failureCount: number, error: {{TError}}) => boolean) | undefined

  • Defaults to 0.
  • If false, failed mutations will not retry.
  • If true, failed mutations will retry infinitely.
  • If set to an number, e.g. 3, failed mutations will retry until the failed mutations count meets that number.


number | ((retryAttempt: number, error: SignTypedDataErrorType) => number) | undefined

  • This function receives a retryAttempt integer and the actual Error and returns the delay to apply before the next attempt in milliseconds.
  • A function like attempt => Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000) applies exponential backoff.
  • A function like attempt => attempt * 1000 applies linear backoff.

Return Type

import { type UseSignTypedDataReturnType } from "starkweb/react";

TanStack Query Mutation docs


(variables: SignTypedDataVariables, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => void

The mutation function you can call with variables to trigger the mutation and optionally hooks on additional callback options.

  • variables


    The variables object to pass to the signTypedData action.

  • onSuccess

    (data: SignTypedDataData, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context: TContext) => void

    This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.

  • onError

    (error: SignTypedDataErrorType, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context: TContext | undefined) => void

    This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.

  • onSettled

    (data: SignTypedDataData | undefined, error: SignTypedDataErrorType | null, variables: SignTypedDataVariables, context: TContext | undefined) => void

    • This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error
    • If you make multiple requests, onSuccess will fire only after the latest call you've made.


Similar to signTypedData but returns a promise which can be awaited.

(variables: SignTypedDataVariables, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => Promise<SignTypedDataData>


SignTypedDataData | undefined

  • signTypedData return type
  • Defaults to undefined
  • The last successfully resolved data for the mutation.


SignTypedDataErrorType | null

The error object for the mutation, if an error was encountered.



  • The failure count for the mutation.
  • Incremented every time the mutation fails.
  • Reset to 0 when the mutation succeeds.


SignTypedDataErrorType | null

  • The failure reason for the mutation retry.
  • Reset to null when the mutation succeeds.

isError / isIdle / isPending / isSuccess


Boolean variables derived from status.



  • will be true if the mutation has been paused.
  • see Network Mode for more information.


() => void

A function to clean the mutation internal state (e.g. it resets the mutation to its initial state).


"idle" | "pending" | "error" | "success"

  • "idle" initial status prior to the mutation function executing.
  • "pending" if the mutation is currently executing.
  • "error" if the last mutation attempt resulted in an error.
  • "success" if the last mutation attempt was successful.



  • The timestamp for when the mutation was submitted.
  • Defaults to 0.


SignTypedDataVariables | undefined

  • The variables object passed to signTypedData.
  • Defaults to undefined.

TanStack Query

import {
  type SignTypedDataData,
  type SignTypedDataVariables,
  type SignTypedDataMutate,
  type SignTypedDataMutateAsync,
} from "starkweb/react/query";


Basic Usage

import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";
function TypedDataSigner() {
  const { signTypedData, isLoading } = useSignTypedData();
  const handleSign = async () => {
    const typedData = {
      types: {
        Person: [
          { name: "name", type: "string" },
          { name: "wallet", type: "address" },
        Mail: [
          { name: "from", type: "Person" },
          { name: "to", type: "Person" },
          { name: "contents", type: "string" },
      primaryType: "Mail",
      message: {
        from: {
          name: "Alice",
          wallet: "0x1234...",
        to: {
          name: "Bob",
          wallet: "0x5678...",
        contents: "Hello!",
    try {
      const signature = await signTypedData(typedData);
      console.log("Signature:", signature);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error signing:", error);
  return (
    <button onClick={handleSign} disabled={isLoading}>
      Sign Typed Data

With Error Handling

import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";
import { useState } from "react";
function SafeTypedDataSigner() {
  const [error, setError] = useState<string>();
  const { signTypedDataAsync } = useSignTypedData({
    mutation: {
      onError(err) {
  const handleSign = async () => {
    try {
      const signature = await signTypedDataAsync({
        types: {
          StarknetTx: [
            { name: "amount", type: "felt" },
            { name: "recipient", type: "address" },
        primaryType: "StarknetTx",
        message: {
          amount: "1000000000000000000",
          recipient: "0x1234...",
      console.log("Success:", signature);
    } catch (err) {
  return (
      <button onClick={handleSign}>Sign Transaction Data</button>
      {error && <div className="error">Error: {error}</div>}

With Custom Types

import { useSignTypedData } from "starkweb/react";
function CustomTypedDataSigner() {
  const { signTypedData, isLoading } = useSignTypedData();
  const handleSignOrder = async () => {
    const orderData = {
      types: {
        Order: [
          { name: "maker", type: "address" },
          { name: "tokenId", type: "felt" },
          { name: "amount", type: "felt" },
          { name: "expiry", type: "felt" },
      primaryType: "Order",
      message: {
        maker: "0x1234...",
        tokenId: "123",
        amount: "1000000000000000000",
        expiry: "1234567890",
    try {
      const signature = await signTypedData(orderData);
      console.log("Order signed:", signature);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Failed to sign order:", error);
  return (
    <button onClick={handleSignOrder} disabled={isLoading}>
      Sign Order